Читать оригинал: Tell me about your work / life balance, Are you happy?
I go into work, screw off for a few hours, get some programming done after lunch, go home, work on code well into the night fueled by vault. 4 AM rolls around, I go to bed, wake up at 10, go back into work...
Weekend comes, I wake up at 5 or 6 PM on Saturday (have to make up for the lost sleep during the week), I play some games, do some work, maybe go out and play pool or hang out with friends, or get drunk, go to bed at noon. Wake up at 5 or 6 PM Sunday, get to a good stopping point on work.
Each of these days I pretty much eat fast food and my body hates me for it. I drink way too much soda, smoke way too many cigarettes. Each week I work 40 (reported) hours because no overtime is allowed, but in reality I work closer to 70 hours just to give everyone the idea that I'm this amazing programmer who can get things done.
I used to weigh 155 before I started programming again, I was lifting weights regularly and I lived for the outdoors. Now I stay inside all the time, I'm 25 lbs heavier - which is still ok (but not great) for a 5'11 guy, but I have absolutely no energy and I always feel tired.
I'm enjoying the programming immensely, but since where I work is staffed 99% male with all the females in another area, I don't get many opportunities for meeting women. It blows. I go to a bar and all of the women there are mid to late 30's and I'm only 28.
I make decent money, maybe not for a programmer, but pretty good compared to all of my friends from high school, but I sock 75% of it away and drive a car that costs less in total than most people's yearly insurance premium.
My life is severely dysfunctional. There is no order to it whatsoever, it's entirely chaotic. I am well past the stage of burnout, I'm missing out on life. I've never gotten laid; though I talk to some girls regularly and I can't really push myself to try for more than friendship.
My social life is pathetic. I know of only 3-4 people I hang out with who aren't from work. All in all, I'm happy with the work, but I find the rest of my life deeply unsatisfying.
I don't know if this is a typical programmer experience, but there you have it.